Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Relate Theater to your Major

Throughout this course as I learned the theatrical language, practice of theater, and technology used in theater I continued to relate the subject back to my discipline of criminal justice. I tried to make connections from the field of theater to the field of law enforcement to see if I could come up with any parallels. I did in fact make some comparisons the whole criminal justice process and the process of creating a theatrical performance. I also thought about, as simple as it sound, the costumes that actors on stage where and the uniforms that police officers, correction officers, and court officers where. The significance is that the actors in a performance must be dressed appropriately because they are the most visual people throughout the performance. You do not see any other member of the performance, with exception of the musical band, so it is imperative that they look and dress their best. In the criminal justice system the most visible people are the officers who enforce the law, it is important that they look and dress their best because e they are the most visible part of the united states government and they represent the criminal justice system as a whole.

I can relate this course to my other course work and ultimately to my major of criminal justice simply because it takes a lot of people to get the job done. For example a production team will need a sound director, stage manager, choreographer, director and numerous other people to get the performance ready for the stage. Similar to the world of theater the criminal justice system has many agencies that work together to seek justice. These people include but are not limited to lawyers, judges, police officers, probation officers, and law makers. When all of these people work together it creates the criminal justice system, or in the case of theater a performance is created.

I also learned that theater does not relate to any one specific field but to life in general. Every aspect of our live from culture, background, religion and politics can and will be eventually displayed in the art form of theater. Theater is a form of art that allows us to relive a certain time period or takes us away to a place we would not have the option of visiting. With criminology facts and theories are constantly being research to form a educated opinion about a certain time frame. With theater the same research needs to be completed in order to accurately portray a time period or event.
I think theater connects to my future endeavors in a few simple ways. I will remember that everything has a role. I will remember that theater has a long history and has evolved from styles and designs that came from other countries hundreds of years ago. Like theater the criminal justice system has evolved over that past hundred years and incorporates ideas and concepts from other countries

In my career goal I think I will remember that everything and everybody has a purpose. Everyone has a position, like a theater team, and every one position is needed to make the system function properly as a whole. I will remember that people are depending on me and my job is very important in keeping the system functional. Theater relates to my future in general because life is like a movie, you have the beginning, the middle, and the end, and at this point in my life everything I learn will help me become a better person later in this performance.